My wife, Jeca decided she wanted to see the Barenaked Ladies in concert, so we bought tickets and headed for Atlanta. To make the evening complete, we had dinner at Taqueria del Sol (not yo momma's mexican restaurant with two convenient, Atlanta locations to serve you). A must stop. Don't mind the line; it moves quickly. Then I ran across the parking lot to Star Provisions (not yo momma's grocery store) for dessert. A pear tart and caramel, chocolate, pecan tart were devoured on the way home from the concert. Not really car food, but we made it work. The concert was good, too.
What I Learned:
You can do it your way AND be successful. If five guys with bongos, an accordian, a stand up bass, and a guitar can sing "you can be my Yoko Ono" to a paying crowd, anything is possible.