Joel then gives an example of a company that offers great products, low prices, and amazing customer service. B&H is an institution in the professional photographic world. Located in Manhattan, this electronics super store offers everything from point-and-shoot cameras to broadcast quality video cameras to computers to HDTVs. I my experience, they have what I want when I want it. While I've never had the pleasure of visiting the physical store, Joel does a great job explaining what makes it unique. Anything you might want to fondle can be brought up from the basement warehouse by dumbwaiter and conveyor belt. Products you want to purchase travel overhead by conveyor belt to the cashier without you having to carry it. Best of all, the salespeople are pleasant and knowledgeable. Joel even tells of the time a B&H salesperson saved him $500.
Take time to read this story and visit the B&H website next time you need anything electronic.