Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I am a visual person.

Words are secondary, but FONTS are great! For me, the look of the words is at least as important as the meaning. I know it is a bit strange. I have been obsessed with fonts for a long time. I have spent days searching font websites for cool fonts. I even looked into creating my own font, but it was HARD. You needed special software and...talent. That has come to an end. Talent is still helpful, but not necessary.

To prove this, I have created my own font in about an hour. The tools work in your web browser so there is no need for software. You can sign up for a free account and start creating your own. I love this cloud computing stuff.

Click on the title to see my font. You can download it and try it out. It is only the capital letters, but I'll be tweaking it in coming weeks.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Second Anniversary!

Two years and counting!

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the last two years. I'm blessed to have the best customers in the world. I am constantly amazed by the people who walk through my door, and I'm excited to see who walks in next.

As a thank you to all of you, I'm introducing a new product in the newsletter this week. Best's FREE! Keep an eye on your inbox.

Here's to many more years of fun and wonderful people coming through the door.