Friday, September 15, 2006

Mary Lois

Mary Lois was my first "model" session. Mary Lois was spending time with her grandmother here in Macon, and was gracious enough to make time in her schedule. She was a dream to work with, and I look forward to many years more. I photographed her parents' wedding a few years ago. I'll officially be old when it is Mary Lois' turn. There will be several images added to the website, but here is my favorite.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wedding Ring Bridal Show

Thanks to Brooke, my invaluable assistant, for helping with the show. At times there were three or four brides at the table at one time. It would have been impossible without her. We got the opportunity to speak with a number of very nice people at the show. Thank you to everyone who came by the booth. I hope I have the chance to work with many of you. Thank you to Hassel Weems for taking the image of Brooke and I at the booth.