Sunday, December 24, 2006

Simple Pleasures

Some of you know the story behind the name of my studio. Some of you even know of the "Simple Pleasures" list that was a part of my college website project. I've been thinking about that list and have decided to work on it a little more. For those of you who don't know, Simple Pleasures are little things that bring joy to your heart. Nothing elaborate or expensive, just simple, perfect moments.

For example...a green glass bottled Coke so cold it burns a little on the way down. Or...Oreos and a big glass of ice cold milk. They don't have to involve food, but many of mine do. As for the non-culinary type...the moment of silence that happens when you pass under a bridge during a rain storm. Or...fall leaves blowing behind a car.

Jeca, my wife, reminded me of a really good Simple Pleasure on the way home tonight... bedtime stories. When was the last time you read someone a bedtime story, or, better yet, someone read a story to you?

So, please add your Simple Pleasures to the comments section. I'd love to know what makes you happy.

Cirque du Soleil

Dinner at Taqueria del Sol: $33
4 tickets to Corteo: $300
An evening of magic: Priceless

For those of you who haven't experienced the wonder that is Cirque du Soleil, don't wait another minute. Corteo will be in Atlanta for only a month more. It is unlike anything you have ever seen, and better than you can imagine. Take the won't regret it.