Saturday, January 31, 2009


One of the most difficult tasks I face when painting a room in my home or designing a marketing piece is choosing the right colors.  Which colors go together?  Do those colors clash?  Is that tacky?  

Adobe (as they are known for doing) has solved this problem.  They created Kuler.  Kuler has thousands of color themes submitted by designers from around the world.  Each theme contains 5 complementary swatches to give you a variety of options.  You can even search for a particular color or idea.  Do you need a blue color?  Do you need colors that feel airy?  Want a modern color pallet?

Didn't find what you need?  You can create your own theme and submit for others to enjoy.  The tools on the website help you find complementary colors based on a color of your choice.  It can be very easy to use or allow you to completely geek out.

Adobe might be taking over the world, but I'm OK with that.

Friday, January 30, 2009


First, I wanted to thank everyone who came last night for the Adobe Camera RAW class.  It was a lot of fun for me.  I hope everyone learned something, or at least realized RAW isn't so scary.  

Last night, I also announced the next in the series of FREE photography classes.  The next is the Budget Lighting Class.  We will cover building an inexpensive studio or location lighting rig.  We'll also discuss how to use this rig to create a variety of looks.  We'll even discuss using it in conjunction with daylight.  This is a great class for those already using studio strobes or someone who would like to begin.  This all takes place February 19th from 6-8pm.

The all day class is next Saturday.  This class will cover digital photography, image manipulation, and output.  It sounds like a lot, but it is geared towards amateurs.  There are still some spaces available, so email to reserve your spot.  The cost is $150 and includes lunch.  

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What Does February Hold?

So, being a fan of crazy ideas, I wanted to introduce the February Special.  


Every weekday morning in February (except Thursday, the 5th) from 8-9am, I will be serving free coffee.  To take a page from the Ingleside Village Pizza play book..."Good Coffee."  Additionally, each person who drops by for coffee will be able to draw a card.  The cards will contain discounts(percentages off your order) , free products(frames, prints, etc), and gift certificates.  These cards will be valid during February and March and can be used by the individual or gifted to a friend.  While everyone is welcome to stop by every day for coffee, only one card is allowed per family.  I look forward to seeing you all next month.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Knew Her When

I just got to read a very funny essay by Allison Gaudet Yarrow printed in NEWSWEEK (yes, that Newsweek).  She discusses her journey to find her own identity in the world.  Take a moment to read her musings.  I'm also eagerly awaiting her memoir, "Southern Fried Jewish Girl."  If this essay is any indication, it will be a big hit.

Allison and her husband, Ben, were featured in my bridal show display.  

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Lesson We All Must Learn

I believe great lessons are learned during hard times.  Hopefully these lessons remain when times are good.  The lesson every photographer must learn is the equipment is a very small part of the resulting image.  It is easier to create a great image with an unlimited amount of time and an unlimited amount of money.  It is much more rewarding to create something amazing out of seemingly nothing.  Photographers have a bad habit of believing their images will improve once they get that new super megapixel camera or very expense European studio lights.  A great photographer can capture a compelling image with only a box and a sheet of film.  Renoir not only believed that it could be done, but that it was better.

"The more you rely on good tools, the more boring your sculpture will be."

Monday, January 26, 2009

Model Search

I have a great new idea for a portrait series, but I need very special models.  I thought I would try crowd-sourcing to find these models.

I need babies/toddlers who know baby sign language.  Other than that, there are no other qualifications.  Please email if you know of anyone who may be able to help.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Artists or Technicians?

I enjoy watching CBS Sunday Morning.  My first exposure to many amazing artists came while watching.  This morning was no different...or, was it?
This morning included two glass "artists", Eric Markow and Thom Norris, who create woven glass sculptures.  It was unlike anything I had ever seen.  They weave glass like it is yarn.  How do they do that?  They won't tell.  It's a secret.

***Soapbox Warning***

If the technique makes them special, they are technicians.  If it is the art, they are artists.  I personally think both are amazing, but they have chosen to make the technique an issue.  Why must they protect their secret technique?  Is there anything else?  Would anyone care if they were making more traditional sculptures?  I have said before and will say again that it is not the tool or technique that makes an artist exceptional.  Anyone can learn a technique.  It is the life of experiences housed between the artist's ears that make them special.  

***End of Rant***