Friday, May 22, 2009

FREE Children's Photography Class-Rescheduled

I have rescheduled the FREE Children's Photography Class for June 11th. View the original post for all the details. If you have not previously registered for this class, please call or email to do so.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tonight's Photography Class Rescheduled

Due to weather, tonight's class is being rescheduled for June 11th from 6-8pm at Washington Park. I'm sorry about the inconvenience. I look forward to seeing you all then.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Only a Few Hours to Help!

I'm scheduled to be "arrested" at 9am tomorrow for MDA. A uniformed officer will be picking me up at the studio. I'll be trying to make my bail while locked up at the Sports Hall of Fame. For those who make a donation before then, I'll be offering a dollar-for-dollar studio credit. This credit is good for new orders before the end of August. The credit can be used for portrait orders, orders from weddings, or even one-on-one photography training. Please take time to visit the link below and make a donation. THANK YOU!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wolfram Alpha

Want to know something? Want to know something really useless?

Wofram Alpha might know the answer.

Wolfram is a "computational knowledge engine." It can solve a basic math problem, physics problem, or even answer your geometry homework. It can convert a number into Roman numerals. It can tell you how many Neals are in the world. Enter your birthday and find out about that day in history. You can enter almost anything, and get an answer. It doesn't give you links to pages with answers. It gives you answers.

It is still new, so be kind. Click on the title and see what you can discover.